Thursday, April 14, 2011

The easy way to publish NuGet packages with sources

The standard way to create NuGet packages today is to:

  • Create a nuspec file with all the metadata and package dependencies
  • Lay out the files that to want to include
  • Run ‘nuget pack’ to create the package
  • Run ‘nuget push’ to push them to the gallery

See Phil’s post more more details on those steps.

While this is pretty straightforward, it can be made yet easier if we take advantage of the fact that your VS project already contains a lot of information that shouldn’t have to be repeated.

Today, we are releasing a new nuget.exe feature of that makes this a lot easier.

Debugging support via

The other really exciting thing we’d like to announce today is that we have partnered with the folks at to offer a really simple way of publishing your sources and PDB’s along with your package.

Up until now, there really wasn’t a great way for package authors to let their users debug into the package’s binaries. The user would have needed to download the sources separately from wherever the project is hosted, making sure that they exactly match the state of the binary. They would also need to locate the matching PDBs. That’s pretty hard to get right, and most users would generally not bother.

Now with almost no additional effort, package authors can publish their symbols and sources, and package consumers can debug into them from Visual Studio.

What the package author needs to do

Let’s first play the part of the author of a package that contains an assembly, which itself makes use of a library from another package. Let’s say that other package is Clay as an example.

Step 1: create a project

Let’s start by creating a new Class Library project in VS. I’ll call it DavidSymbolSourceTest.

Step 2: set some metadata on it

This is an often forgotten step, but it is important to set some basic metadata on your assembly. As you’ll see later, it’s particularly important with this workflow. To do this, just open the Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs file and change a few values:

[assembly: AssemblyTitle("DavidSymbolSourceTest")]
[assembly: AssemblyDescription("David's little test package to demonstrate easy package creation")]
[assembly: AssemblyConfiguration("")]
[assembly: AssemblyCompany("David Ebbo")]
// Stuff omitted
[assembly: AssemblyVersion("")]

Here, I set a description for the assembly, and put my name as the ‘Company’ (which is basically the author). I also changed the assembly version to 0.5.

Step 3: bring in our dependencies using NuGet

Next, let’s use NuGet to bring in our Clay dependency. I assume you’re familiar with the steps to do this, but in case you’re not, start here.

Note that because Clay itself has dependencies, this ends up bringing in 4 packages:


Step 4: let’s write some code!

In our library, we’ll just write some simple code that uses Clay:

namespace DavidSymbolSourceTest {
 public class Demo {
     public static dynamic GetPersonObject(string first, string last) {
         dynamic New = new ClaySharp.ClayFactory();

         return New.Person(new {
             FirstName = first,
             LastName = last

It just has a little test method with builds a Clay object based on two fields. Pretty boring stuff, but enough to demonstrate the concepts.

Step 5: save your access key

From here on, we’ll be using the NuGet.exe command line tool. Make sure you get the latest from here, or if you already have an older build, run ‘nuget update’ to self-update it.

Now go to to get your access key, and use nuget.exe save it so you don’t have to deal with it every time (so this is a one-time step, not for every project!). e.g.

D:\>nuget setapikey 5a50d497-522a-4436-bf90-b65362e65f52
The API Key '5a50d497-522a-4436-bf90-b65362e65f52' was saved for the NuGet
gallery feed ( and the symbol
server (

Note: no, this is not actually my key, but thanks for asking! :)

Step 6: specify additional metadata using a nuspec file

In step 2, we added some metadata in AssemblyInfo.cs, which NuGet can directly understand. Unfortunately, some of the NuGet concepts don’t have a matching CLR attribute yet, so we still need a nuspec file to specify the rest.

To create one, just run ‘nuget spec’ from the folder where the csproj is.

D:\DavidSymbolSourceTest\DavidSymbolSourceTest>nuget spec
Created 'DavidSymbolSourceTest.nuspec' successfully.

NuGet.exe detects that the nuspec file is meant as a ‘companion’ to a VS project, and will generate a file with replacement tokens. e.g.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<package xmlns="">
  <tags>Tag1 Tag2</tags>
Note how a number of the fields use a token syntax like $version$. This basically means: I don’t want to repeat what’s already in my AssemblyInfo.cs, so just get values from there.

Now all you need to do is:

  • Fill in the fields you care about, like <projectUrl>
  • Remove the ones you don’t care about. e.g. <iconUrl> if you don’t have an icon.

Note that technically, this whole step is optional, and you can omit the nuspec file entirely if you don’t need any metadata other than what’s in AssemblyInfo.cs. However, since all packages are supposed to specify a <projectUrl> and a <licenseUrl>, in practice it’s not a step you’ll want to skip.

Step 7: create the package

This is where the new and exciting stuff really starts. Go to the folder where the csproj file is and run:

D:\DavidSymbolSourceTest\DavidSymbolSourceTest>nuget pack -sym DavidSymbolSourceTest.csproj
Attempting to build package from 'DavidSymbolSourceTest.csproj'.
Building project for target framework '.NETFramework,Version=v4.0'.
Packing files from 'D:\DavidSymbolSourceTest\DavidSymbolSourceTest\bin\Release'.
Found packages.config. Using packages listed as dependencies
Successfully created package 'D:\DavidSymbolSourceTest\DavidSymbolSourceTest\DavidSymbolSourceTest.0.5.nupkg'.

Attempting to build symbols package for 'DavidSymbolSourceTest.csproj'.
Building project for target framework '.NETFramework,Version=v4.0'.
Packing files from 'D:\DavidSymbolSourceTest\DavidSymbolSourceTest\bin\Release'.
Found packages.config. Using packages listed as dependencies
Successfully created package 'D:\DavidSymbolSourceTest\DavidSymbolSourceTest\DavidSymbolSourceTest.0.5.symbols.nupkg'.

Note that we are passing the -sym flag to the ‘nuget pack’ command, and that we’re giving it as input the csproj file!

The command will build the project if needed, and then create both a regular package (DavidSymbolSourceTest.0.5.nupkg) and a ‘symbolsource’ package (DavidSymbolSourceTest.0.5.symbols.nupkg).

Note how it used the version we had specified in AssemblyInfo.cs in step 2. Likewise, the Author and Description in the package came from there. This happens because of the token replacement logic from step 6.

In addition to the metadata inherited from AssemblyInfo.cs, the package will contain the metadata you explicitly added to the nuspec file, like the Project Url.

And one more thing: it also found our dependency on Clay and added that in the package, again without having to add that explicitly to the nuspec file!

Step 8: push the packages to and

Now that we created the packaged, we just need to push them out: one goes to and the other one the This can all be done in one command:

D:\DavidSymbolSourceTest\DavidSymbolSourceTest>nuget push DavidSymbolSourceTest.0.5.nupkg
Pushing DavidSymbolSourceTest 0.5 to the NuGet gallery feed (
Publishing DavidSymbolSourceTest 0.5 to the NuGet gallery feed (
Your package was published.

Pushing DavidSymbolSourceTest 0.5 to the symbol server (
Publishing DavidSymbolSourceTest 0.5 to the symbol server (
Your package was published.

Note that we ran ‘nuget push’ on the main package, and it automatically pushed the symbol package at the same time.
And now we’re done, our package is live and ready to be installed from NuGet and debugged with full sources!

What the package Consumer needs to do

Now let’s play the part of the package Consumer that uses this package. Here I’ll demonstrate using a simple Console app, though the steps apply equally well to other apps.

Important note: these steps are more interesting when done on a different machine than the ‘Package Author’ steps! If you do them on the same machine, rename or delete the Author project to make sure VS doesn’t take any shortcuts on you when debugging (which it will!).

Step 1: set up the VS debugger settings

This is a one time setup step. In VS, go under Debug / Options and Settings, and make a few changes:

  • Under General, turn off “Enable Just My Code”
  • Under General, turn on “Enable source server support”. You may have to Ok a security warning.
  • Under Symbols, add “” t the list. Dialog will look like this:


Step 2: create a test console app

Make sure you set its Target Framework to the Server profile (see my previous post).

Step 3: use NuGet to bring in our test package

Here is what you’ll see in the Online tab of the NuGet dialog:


Notice that not only our new package shows up on the public feed, but all the metadata and package dependencies are there as well!

Now click Install to install the package and its dependencies.

Step 4: write some test code to use the package

We’ll just call the method we defined and display some output:

using System;

namespace ConsoleApplication12 {
 class Program {
     static void Main(string[] args) {
         var person = DavidSymbolSourceTest.Demo.GetPersonObject("David", "Ebbo");
         Console.WriteLine("{0} {1}", person.FirstName, person.LastName);

Step 5: debug into the package!

This is the final step that makes it all worth it! Set a breakpoint on the line that calls our GetPersonObject method and press F5 to start debugging.

When you hit the breakpoint, click F11 and be amazed!


Here we are debugging into our new package. Here both the sources and PDB files are coming straight from!

Registering with

Note that in all the steps below, we never actually went to the web site. The nice thing is that everything can work without even setting up an account on there. Note that SymbolSource does verify that you own the package by checking with using your key.

But even though the registration step is optional, it is recommended that you register with the site in order to be able to manage the symbol packages that you upload there. To register, just go to and follow the instructions. During registration, you’ll be asked for your NuGet key, which is how your account will get associated with your submissions.


  1. Hi David, just curious, can I run the nuget command from a regular powershell prompt? Or only within Visual Studio?

    This looks very useful from an automation perspective, but last time I tried I couldn't run nuget outside visual studio.

  2. @Frank: nuget.exe runs from anywhere and is not tied to VS at all.

  3. David, is there a way to create the symbols package without specifying the csproj? What if a NuGet package contains more than one class library or assembly?

  4. David, I found this post that describes how to build a source package without the need to build a csproj:

    Now that the .symbols.nupkg file is in place NuGet.exe finds it and tries to upload the package, but doesn't seem to accept the API key I pass on the command line.

    Your package was published.
    WARNING: Found symbols package 'blah.symbols.nupkg', but no API key was specified for the symbol server. To save an API Key, run 'nuget.exe SetApiKey [your API key from]'.

    The SetApiKey method is nice and dandy, but not acceptable for a public build server like where
    a) multiple projects may publish from a single (build agent) account,
    b) I don't have shell access.

    What can I do that nuget.exe accepts the API key to push to

  5. What is the story for private projects? Is there a way to easily setup a source and symbol server and have it work with nuget?

  6. @Alexander: that's a bug (just filed it: As a workaround, you can:
    - Move the symbols package to a different folder so the push cmd doesn't find it
    - Push the symbols package separately (passing the API key)

  7. @Chris: hosting an internal symbol server is not currently supported. Setting up a symbol server is I think somewhat complex. It may be worth asking the guys what's involved. Their forum:

  8. Just pushed a package of my own through a build-server, including full source and symbols. If this was any easier to do, I wouldn't have to write any code at all! Thanks for creating such a fantastic system!

  9. @Alexander the bug is fixed and a new version of nuget.exe was pushed to the feed. Just run nuget.exe u to update it.

  10. @Chris and anyone interested in supporting private projects: the entire debugging experience here is provided by SymbolSource, the new NuGet feature is just the publishing part of the story. We do want to provide a way to work with private projects and already have most of the infrastructure set up.

    If you are interested in making this work in your environment, please contact us on the discussion list David mentioned:

    or contact me directly on Twitter:!/TripleEmcoder

  11. @David: Thanks for the follow-up. Unfortunately the new version introduced another bug with my last name's "ß" character in a UTF-8 encoded (with BOM) nuspec.

    Attempting to build package from 'mspec.nuspec'.
    Invalid character in the given encoding. Line 7, position 41.

    Line 7:
    Aaron Jensen, Alexander Groß, et al.



  12. @Alex: we just pushed an update that should fix this. Can you verify? Thanks!

  13. @David, thanks again for the quick fix. Package creation works now as before.


  14. Hey David,

    This is cool stuff. What if my package contains more than one .dll in it? Will the -symbols switch take multiple .csproj files somehow?


  15. @Andy: currently, this workflow only works for one project at a time, but we'd like to extend it to cover more complex scenarios as well.

  16. What happens when I also define a FileVersion in the AssemblyInfo?

    I'm asking because we use the file version as the version of our NuGet package. This simplifies references from other assemblies to our assemblies because they do not need to be recompiled.

    Therefore, I would prefer that if there is a FileVersion, it is used instead of the AssemblyVersion as the version for the NuGet package.


  17. @Urs: we ignore FileVersion right now. You may want to file a suggestion bug on to make a case for the scenario :)

  18. It's possible to setup (and use) my own symbol server? We have some private frameworks and I'm planning to stop adding it to solution and start using nuget, but I need to find a way to debug it.

  19. @Zote: see for info about setting up your own symbol server.

  20. We tried adding a package about 15.5MB in size. It is available on nuget now, but the source push failed with a maximum request size exceeded error.

  21. @Matthew: we increased the limit on uploads, please try again and let me know if you have any further problems.

  22. What about the multi-targeting layout. how can I publish my symbols, but do so for silverlight 3, 4 and .NET35 Client Profile and .NET 40 Client Profile with a single .nupkg like i am currently doing. Your example only shows a single .dll with a single target framework. I need to do this with a single .dll targeted at multiple frameworks.

  23. @Christopher: currently, the workflow is a bit limited, and you may need to create the symbols package 'manually' for more complex solutions. Similar thread here: Let's continue discussion there :)

  24. I'd also love to see a way to pack and publish the source from the Package Explorer.

  25. @Matthew: I am sure that it will be in the package explorer once it is figured out how it sure be in NuGet.exe, Since the pacakge explorer is built on top of the functionallity from the NuGet.exe command utility.

  26. After I publish my Symbols I log into and the site say that my files have no read access. How can I get my symbols afeter I publish them. has no way to contact them on there site. I configured visual studio but my pdb files give me a 404 error when requested.

  27. Here's the sort of error log I see. Notice that the first package fails and the second works.

    C:\dev\DotSpatial\DotSpatial.Projections\DotSpatial.Projections.Forms>nuget push
    Pushing DotSpatial.Projections 1.0.2011.44 to the NuGet gallery feed (http://go.
    Publishing DotSpatial.Projections 1.0.2011.44 to the NuGet gallery feed (http://
    Your package was published.
    Pushing DotSpatial.Projections 1.0.2011.44 to the symbol server (
    Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

    C:\dev\DotSpatial\DotSpatial.Projections\DotSpatial.Projections.Forms>nuget push
    Pushing DotSpatial.Projections.Forms 1.0.2011.44 to the NuGet gallery feed (http
    Publishing DotSpatial.Projections.Forms 1.0.2011.44 to the NuGet gallery feed (h
    Your package was published.
    Pushing DotSpatial.Projections.Forms 1.0.2011.44 to the symbol server (http://nu
    Publishing DotSpatial.Projections.Forms 1.0.2011.44 to the symbol server (http:/
    Your package was published.

  28. @Christopher: symbolsource does have a forum to discuss those issues:

    @Matthew: not sure what might have caused that exception. If you get a consistent repro, please file a bug on

  29. In step 7, it shows that the symbols are being pulled in from the release mode build? Wouldn't it make more sense to pull symbols from a debug mode build?

  30. @jordan, the symbols need to match the DLLs, so if the DLLs are retail so are the symbols. Note that retail assemblies can still be fully debugged.

  31. using GUI to create nuget packages

  32. Oh, come on guys, are you serious?
    D:\NTextCat\NTextCatLib>nuget pack NTextCatLib.csproj -IncludeReferencedProjects -Prop Configuration=Release -sym

    I get the following message:
    Specifying both -IncludeReferencedProjects and -Symbols is not supported.

    Am I doing something wrong? Do you support the case when the main project references another projects in the solution and multiple assemblies need to be packed?

  33. @Ivan: please use for all NuGet discussions, thanks.
